Being New Spirituality Center
About the Center
We believe that contemplative insight and practice are key to the transformation of our spirits, touching that deep place of heart and of being that lives in each of us. We are a resource for Central Iowa, creating events to which all are welcome, as well as opening space for offerings that others bring.
We are located in the lower level of Grace Lutheran Church, 5201 Urbandale Avenue, Des Moines, IA 50310. Use the north door off the parking lot marked ‘Grace Hall’ and follow the signs.
There is no fee for the offerings that come from the center. Donations to cover our expenses are thus received with special gratitude! There is a basket in the center. Checks may be made out to Grace Lutheran Church with Being New in the memo line. You may also donate online through the church’s website. Follow this link and choose Being New from the drop-down menu:
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Current Offerings
SoulCollage® is offered on the first and third Mondays each month at 6:30 p.m. The fee is $15.00 to cover supplies and materials. Please contact Deb Richards for more information ([email protected]).
Spiritual Direction
Spiritual Direction is available through Deb Richards. You can reach her at [email protected].
Energy and Sound Healing Monthly Gatherings
Come bask in a loving space through crystal tuning bowls and Reiki healing energy, 6:30pm the second Monday of each month. Contact Julie Good at [email protected] or 515-306-4864 so she can plan for your presence. Instead of a fee, participants are invited to make a donation to Being New Center.
Yoga in person at the center will return on Tuesday evenings in April.
Book Studies
New! Book Group: Life After Doom: Wisdom & Courage for a World Falling Apart by Brian McLaren. Beginning Monday, January 13. Join us on the 2nd and 4th Mondays, 10-11:30 via Zoom, through June. McLaren is a theologian, author, activist and seeker and is part of the core faculty at the Center for Action and Contemplation founded by Richard Rohr. He will be in Des Moines in September as part of the Dialogue Series offered by St. Catherine of Siena. This book study is offered jointly be COCI, Being New and the Spiritual Life Circle of the Des Moines Intentional Eucharistic Community (DMIEC).
For more information or to register contact Kathleen Schiltz [email protected]. We will read the introduction and first 3 chapters in preparation for our first meeting.
New, starting Wednesday, January 8, from 1:00-3:00 in person or on Zoom. Julie Honsey will lead a study of Cynthia Bourgeault’s Wisdom Way of Knowing: Reclaiming an Ancient Tradition to Awaken the Heart. Contact Julie ([email protected]) if you would like to be a part of this transformative offering.
This book and the Wisdom Practice Series (below) are foundational for many offerings in the new year. Are you interested in reading it with others but unable to make the Wednesday afternoon group? Contact Joan Fumetti ([email protected]).
Wisdom Practice Series
An Introduction to a Wisdom Way of Knowing: A Wisdom Practices Series
This is a series introducing some key elements of the Christian Wisdom tradition, particularly as synthesized by Cynthia Bourgeault. Wisdom has ancient roots and tends to re-emerge in our awareness in times of great individual and collective transition and turmoil. Wisdom is about seeing through the eyes of wholeness and is anchored beyond the changing circumstances of life.
This series will introduce teachings and practices that support us in the Wisdom Way of Knowing. These practices will include three-centered awareness, self-observation, centering prayer, sacred chanting, body movement, lectio divina, sharing and discussion. These are all in service of consenting to the presence and action of God in our hearts, the organ of spiritual seeing, and in our lives. The more we are able to put these into practice, the better our ability to respond to what is needed in the world.
We will be gathering a group to experience this online retreat together. Sessions are January 18, January 25, & February 1, 2025, 11:30am-2:30pm. If you will be joining us at the Being New Center, contact Joan Fumetti, [email protected]. The Center will take care of registration for the group.
Wisdom Circles will begin in the new year. These are in-depth groups for study, practice and sharing based on the streams of wisdom that have come to us through the ages, and especially as articulated in our own time by Episcopal priest and mystic, Cynthia Bourgeault. Contact Julie Honsey ([email protected]) or Joan Fumetti ([email protected]) if you are interested in learning more. The book circle and the Wisdom Practice Series offer excellent foundation for this work.