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Car Show update

Car Show Update
A heat wave (heat and humidity) is supposed to start on Sunday and last for about five days. The last two days fall on the car show dates (original date and rain date) and scattered showers and thunderstorms are forecast for those two days depending on what weather model or website you want to follow.

When looking at the longer range forecasts, the weather on the last week of June looks more conducive to a successful car show. Because of that we are moving the car show back a week with a new date of Wednesday, the 29th for the show with a rain date of Thursday, the 30th.

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Entry fee: $20 per vehicle or $10 for motorcycles. If you have any kind of vehicle (car, motorcycle, pickup, SUV, minivan…yes, even minivans) that is special to you, please feel free to bring it. You do not have to own a show car or sports car. Be prepared to talk about it with the folks that are there as every vehicle has a story behind it.

Who Can Enter: Grace Church members, their families, and family friends. We are adding family friends to the invitation list this year so please register your vehicles so we know how to plan for space and food/drink.

How to Enter: Contact Denise ([email protected]) or Kevin Drury ([email protected]) or 515.681.2770 to enter your vehicle. Even though no prizes are being awarded, we do need to have an idea of how many vehicles to expect so that enough of the parking lot can be roped off for the car show vehicles.

Time: 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. Food will be available during the early part of the evening.

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