Celebrate Lutheran World Relief with us Sunday
Published on February 16, 2023 • Michelle Voelker
LWR Celebration Sunday!
Reverend Tim Krick, Manager of Congregation Engagement for Lutheran World Relief, is visiting Grace to celebrate our collective work.
At 10:15 we will use our monthly all-ages service time for kit making, quilt tying, and celebrating our history with LWR. Rev. Krick will be able to answer our questions about how items are processed and distributed. We are aiming to make 200 personal care kits, 20 baby care kits and tie 10 quilts. This is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate and serve together!
View a display of past and present members and statistics on Grace’s giving to LWR.
Can you guess how many items we have donated to LWR since 2000?
How much does it cost to ship items to their final destinations?