Christmas Worship
Published on December 21, 2021 • Michelle Voelker
Friday, December 24, Christmas Eve, Pastor Mike presiding
We will have overflow seating available in the Gathering Hall if needed. Both the Sanctuary and Gathering Hall will be wiped down between services. Masks required.
• 4 p.m. Livestreamed and In-person
• 6 p.m. In-person only (volunteers needed)
• 8 p.m. In-person only (volunteers needed)
The 4 p.m. livestream recording will be available for you to watch at your convenience:
– on Facebook immediately following the conclusion of worship
– on the website later on our worship videos page
Christmas Day, December 25 – Pastor Mike’s Christmas message will be available on Facebook on Friday (as Morning Prayer), and on this website in the worship section, on Christmas Day.
Synod-wide worship, Sunday, December 26. Pre-recorded only
The Office of the Bishop is providing a pre-recorded worship service for Sunday, Dec. 26th
The worship will NOT show on our website liveplayer. Instead, the link to the video will be posted in our website news section, the website calendar, and the Worship Videos page in our Resources section. The bulletin insert and Sermon will be available on the Bulletin page of the Resources section of our website for you to print or read online as you prefer. We will still mail a copy for those who have requested them.