Extended office and open building hours
Published on March 27, 2022 • Michelle Voelker
Office Hours, Doorbells & unlocked doors
New Office and Open Building Hours: Monday – Thursday, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Since September we have been in the office 9-noon, Monday through Thursday, and are now expanding that to 1 p.m. Monday – Thursday! We also now have several groups meeting during the week (yay!). So during those hours, the building will once again be open as long as there are two or more in the office/building.
If you arrive during posted office hours and the door is locked*, please ring the doorbell, or call the office at 515-276-6873.
If you need to schedule an appointment outside of office hours, please call ahead – Pastor Mike, Denise, and Michelle are always happy to schedule an appointment.
*Illness, emergency calls, vacations, and off-site meetings may mean times when we expected two people to be available only one is available.