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Little Free Pantry Request of the week

Grains, Rice, and Beans are the Little Free Pantry request of the week

As temperatures continue to dip we will be moving away from anything in glass jars or cans – if you buy them, we will still store them and place them out on warmer days, but during the winter months we will focus on single serve items, boxed and bagged goods, shelf stable drinks, etc. to prevent mishaps from frozen or expanded items.

  • Choose ready to eat servings that can be stored at room temperature and microwaved in-package.
  • Bags of dried beans, rice, rice mixes (with spices) can be paired with boxes of shelf stable broths.
  • Single serving portions are perfect for those who are houseless and on the move.
  • Family sized packages are good for those with families, or small households who can utilize an item (such as broth, pasta, or cereal) several days in a row.


  1. Drop off your purchases in the entryway and our volunteers will distribute them.
  2. Let others do the shopping, you can make a one-time or recurring donation at the “Give” page on our website https://gracedm.org/give-to-grace/
  3. Place an order from our Amazon wish list and let them ship it Grace for you!

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