Moving Help! updated!
Published on May 4, 2023 • Michelle Voelker
Moving help!
Stage 1
Vicar Bunny is moving out on Monday, May 29.
She will have a trailer, and needs help moving her things to the trailer for her to take back to Wartburg.
There will be very light cleaning (if any) to do in her apartment afterwards.
Stage 2
We are working on making arrangements to move the intern specific furniture and kitchen items from Vicar Bunny’s apartment to the residence for Vicar Adam. We will post date and time specifics as soon as we know we can get into the new residence. It may be May 29. It could be later that week on May 31, or June 1, and this is where we may have some cleaning to do.
We are also looking for donations of a small, two-person sized dining/kitchen table with chairs.
Contact the office if you can help!