New Sunday Adult Education Topics!
Published on November 3, 2022 • Michelle Voelker
Adult Education Sunday Mornings after Worship!
Join us during the education hour after worship each Sunday as we start a new chapter in the Book of Faith Series. We will study the book of Matthew. “Throughout history Matthew’s gospel has played a prominent role in Christian worship and practice, and to this day it retains a central place in most people’s experiences of the New Testament and the Christian faith. Matthew’s gospel speaks well to church communities today, identifying the church as founded by Jesus (16:18) and issuing practical instructions for practicing community (18:1-35). Matthew envisions the church as made up of sinners and doubters who struggle with faith, temptation, and forgiveness, but ultimately reflect the ministry and presence of Jesus.” The course will be facilitated by Pastor Mike and Vicar Bunny; we hope to see you there!