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Not Feeling Well?

Not Feeling Well? Please stay home. 
It is really hard for us to say that – we LOVE it when the building is bustling with activity. We are all excited about Sunday School and Education Hour starting in September, the return of Bible Study, God’s Work Our Hands, Backpack Blessing, Willing Workers, Quilters, and we know you are too.

No one wants to miss out, least of all staff. However, even if you have a negative test, we ask that you please keep your aches, fevers, strep, runny noses and active coughs at home. You’ll recover faster by resting, you won’t be asking your own already over-busy immune system to fight off germs from others, and you’ll protect those who are medically compromised.


We are more than happy to save class materials for you, hold meetings by phone/zoom or reschedule to when you are feeling well. Worship is always available online, and archived as well so you won’t have to miss out. So please, stay home, rest, and heal so we can see you healthy and back at Grace as soon as possible.

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