Pew Cards and Prayer Requests
Published on August 25, 2022 • Michelle Voelker
Pew Cards have returned to the Pews!
Do you have prayer concerns? Want a visit? Visitor who wants more information? Interested in joining a group? Fill out the Pew Card!
A note on Prayer List Requests
Prayer, and praying for one another is an important part of the life of a community of faith. Some find strength and comfort in seeing their name on the prayer list, knowing that their friends at Grace are praying for them. Others are more private people who prefer to share quietly with just a few. Anyone may ask to be on the printed prayer list. We will honor your wishes, whether you want to share with the entire congregation, Staff and Member Care only, or Pastor Mike only. If you or a family member would like to be included in the prayer list, call or email [email protected] or [email protected] and you will be added at the next printing. Names can be added to the spoken prayers on Sunday if a message is sent to Pastor Mike after printing but prior to Sunday.
If you would like to share your prayer needs privately with the Pastor only, place a pw card in Pastor Mike’s mailbox, or simply call or email Pastor Mike [email protected] directly.