Stay up to date with what is happening at Grace!
Published on September 29, 2022 • Michelle Voelker
Get ALL the news about Grace!
There are many ways to find out what happens at Grace – if you are not online, you can sign up to receive the printed bulletin, announcements, and/or newsletters by mail. Don’t miss out!
If YOUR group is having a meeting or event that you want to invite others to, PLEASE contact [email protected], or call at 515-276-6873 extension 201 so we can publish the information.
- Tuesday enews (online only):
- Sent by email and published on our Facebook page @GraceLutherandm.
- Or, sign up on our website at, scroll down on the first page until you see a blue box with these words: “Get the good news! Get weekly updates from Grace”. Enter your email address and click the red “submit” button.
- Weekly Bulletin:
- Available in person each Sunday.
- Mailed to those who request
- Posted online in the Resources section on our website
- Weekly Announcements:
- Available in person each Sunday.
- Mailed to those who request the bulletin
- Posted online in the Resources section on our website
- Monthly Newsletter:
- Available in the Entryway and Office hallways
- Mailed to those who request it
- Emailed to those who request it
- Published online on our website and our Facebook page.
- Occasional postcards about big events, such as the recent God’s Work Our Hands Event.
- Website Calendar & News: Check the Calendar and News Sections of our website frequently to make sure you have the latest information.
- Still not sure what is happening? Call the office, ask a friend, just show up. You are always welcome to participate!