Sunday, December 18 celebrations
Published on December 14, 2022 • Michelle Voelker
Advent Hymn Sing
If you are reading this prior to Sunday, the final Advent Hymn sing of 2022 will begin at 8:45 a.m. in the Sanctuary – come sing with us!
Worship today will include the Christmas Program “Stars! Angels! Shepherds! Kings!”
With a cast that includes our Youth Singers, Grace Bells, Grace Brass, Chancel Choir, Pianist and A/V team. See the bulletin to follow along.
Cookie/Dessert Potluck after worship!
Come, enjoy treats and fellowship in Grace Hall with us! The list of goodies is long – pie, peppermint popcorn, pecan snowball, cookie dough dip, gingersnaps are just the beginning! There will be beverages as well – coffee, juice, chocolate milk. Bishop Current will join us here as well, if you have any questions or just want to chat a little, here is your chance!