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Upcoming Fall Programming!

Gods Work Our Hands:  September 10

We will be working on a project for Moore Elementary School, funded by the Grace Mission Action Fund. We’ll be shopping, building, assembling and more so you can choose the level of activity perfect for you – watch for more information in next week’s Tuesday enews and the September Friendly Visitor. In the meantime, find your yellow God’s Work Our Hands teeshirts! We will have a few on hand and have a few more coming in for those who need.

Tuesday Bible Study: Begins  Tuesday, September 12
This fall we will be in the book of Romans

Sunday School: Begins September 17
After worship and coffeetime!

Sunday Adult Education Hour: Begins September 17

We will be studying Galatians

Confirmation will begin later in the Fall. Families will be contacted!

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invite you to visit during worship, bible study, or call to make an appointment with Pastor Mike.  Reach us through email or by phone. We hope to welcome you soon.
